Dental Scan LtdΒ 
Suite 1, Trafalgar House
110 Manchester Rd, Altrincham, WA14 1NU

Scanner Used:
Dexis OP 3D LX (2023 MODEL)

Region Imaged:Β Β 
Anterior mandible – Sectional (5x5cm)

Clinical Information:
Assess anterior teeth for root canal treatment

Scanning Protocol:
5 x 5cm FOV, 0.12mm voxel size, 95 kVp, 5 mA, 11.5 seconds

Radiation Dose:Β 
Approximately 0.07 mSv

Xelis Dental Viewer (same price as i-CAT Vision IncludesΒ RAW DICOM files)
Allows you to plan your patient’s treatment easily, with a full implant library and free virtual implant placement capabilities. Our clinical team will prepare a study for you that includes: panoramic curve, custom reconstructed 3D, highlighting the inferior dental canal and image rotation according to the area of interest.

Image 1.
There is extensive apical pathology with a well-defined radiolucency in the region LL3-LR1. This could possibly be four originally separate periapical lesions which at a later stage have joined in one.

Image 2.
The LR1 shows extensive (terminal) horizontal bone loss. Buccal and lingual extensive dehiscence is also noted. Two separate canals leave the pulp chamber and join in one closer to the apex (see arrows above).

Image 3.
The LL1 is endodontically inadequately treated. Two separate canals leave the pulp chamber and join in one closer to the apex. The lingual canal is not treated (see arrows above).

Image 4.
The LL2 has two separate canals leaving the pulp chamber and join in one closer to the apex (see arrows above). The lesion envelops the apical half of the root.

Image 5.
The LL3 has a single root canal. The lesion envelops the apical third of the root.

Image 6.
Cross-sectional images of the LR2-LL3 site at 2.5mm intervals.

Thank you for your continued referrals.

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Alex Woodham

Clinical Director

+44 (0)20 7590 2020
Suite 17, 75 Harley Street, London, W1G 8QL

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