Dental Scan Ltd
75 Harley Street
London, W1G 8QL

Scanner Used:
Kavo OP 3D Vision V17

Region Imaged:  

Clinical Information:
Assess pathology of remaining teeth

Scanning Protocol:
16 x 8cm FOV, 0.25mm voxel size, 120 kVp, 5mA, 7.4 seconds

Radiation Dose: 
Approximately 0.14 mSv

Xelis Dental Viewer (same price as i-CAT Vision Includes RAW DICOM files)
Allows you to plan your patient’s treatment easily, with a full implant library and free virtual implant placement capabilities. Our clinical team will prepare a study for you that includes: panoramic curve, custom reconstructed 3D, highlighting the inferior dental canal and image rotation according to the area of interest.


UR8 has external resorption of the crown, is unerupted, vertically impacted against the adjacent tooth with root/apices touching the sinus cavity. Normal follicle space with no erosion of adjacent distal root. UL8 is unerupted, vertically orientated with no adjacent tooth and the root/apices touching the sinus cavity. The follicle space is enlarged (> 3 mm) (image 1).

A panoramic radiograph is suggested in 12 months to confirm no increase in follicle size.

UR6 crown is missing. UR5 crown is missing with a retained root filled root (image 2). UR3,2, UL3 crowns are missing or abraded.

UR4 is root treated with widening of the apical periodontal ligament space of the buccal root. UL6 crown is missing with possibly a fracture through the root trifurcation. No apical radiolucencies (image 3).

The remaining teeth have mild to moderate localized alveolar bone loss due to periodontal disease.

The floor of the right maxillary sinus demonstrates mild generalized mucosal thickening. The left maxillary sinus is clear but missing part of the medial wall (image 4).

The Left Fossa of Rosenmüller of the Nasopharynx is occluded. Review by an ENT surgeon is recommended to rule out pathology.

Image 1.
Reconstructed panoramic view showing UL8 enlarged follicle space.

Image 2.
Cropped panoramic and cross section of alveolar ridge UR8-5 region. UR6 crown is missing. UR5 crown is missing with a retained root filled root.

Image 3.
Cropped panoramic and cross section alveolar ridge of UL4-8 region. UR4 is root treated with widening of the apical PLS of the buccal root. UL6 crown is missing with possibly a fracture through the root trifurcation. No apical radiolucencies.

Image 4.
Axial slice through the maxillary sinuses. The medial wall of left sinus is missing (circled).

Image 5.
Axial slice through the nasopharynx. The Left Fossa of Rosenmüller of the Nasopharynx is occluded (circled).

Thank you for your continued referrals.

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Alex Woodham

Clinical Director

+44 (0)20 7590 2020
Suite 17, 75 Harley Street, London, W1G 8QL

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